


This is a comprehensive checklist that details every item that you might need to purchase for your business. It can be applied to a Day Spa, Beauty Salon or any other type of environment that offers Therapeutic Services.

Use this checklist as your complete shopping list, to manage your procurement budget, to guage costs and link directly to our favourite suppliers in Australia.

This Inventory List can be used anywhere in the world as it is universal in regards to the items needed, however if you are located outside of Australia sourcing local suppliers for most items will be in your best interests due to shipping costs.

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Best purchased with our Supplier List - Operational (Equipment, Supplies) resource.

Here's a sneak peek at our resource file, Procurement Schedule - Complete Spa.

For any inquiries, feel free to send us an email through

Whether you’re just starting out, or seeking to take your existing business to the next level, we help you create world-class operations with three essential foundations:

Strategy – design a business to achieve your desired outcomes

Story – create a clear, consistent and compelling expression of your unique vision

Systems – build structures and processes for ongoing success

Two ways to use this site:

If you’re creating a new business, start with our online programs which guide you step-by-step through the same processes that we use as professional consultants. You’ll have all of the resources you need to set up your business with confidence.

If looking to grow or upgrade an existing business, feel free to cherry-pick from our wealth of resources including guides, templates, customisable documents and connections to the industry’s best suppliers.

Click here to meet the experts behind The Wellness Makers.

Check out our Resources

Our online store features a comprehensive suite of resources, including; templates, handbooks, manuals, procedures, spreadsheets, presentations, checklists, design briefs, and many other documents to complement our online program and support your business journey.

Pick and choose what you need, or purchase a package that includes education, advisory, and resources.

Discover our Online Programs

Are you considering starting your own spa, beauty, or wellness business?

Get confidently from ‘idea’ to ‘open’ with our Online Program. This is not an academic course: it guides you step-by-step through the exact same processes that we use professional spa consultants, effectively allowing you to DIY consulting.

Click here to access our free Create your own Spa or Wellness Business Masterclass. This free extensive masterclass outlines the 9 elements for a successful start-up, and the top 6 mistakes to avoid. It will also help you get started with some clear next steps.